Achievement Magazine
Advertisement Order Form
Advertise your business or organization with your own Full Color advertisement in the next volume of the Achievement Magazine. Different rates apply depending on ad size and budget and all ads are in full color! Reach hundreds of Temecula Valley and Tri-County residents with our premier quality magazine. ​
Reserve your space today!
Full page $1625 (7.5”wide x 10”tall)
Half page $975 (7.5”wide x 5”tall)
Quarter page $695 (3.5”wide x 5”tall OR 7” wide and 2.5”tall)
Business Card $125
Ads must be supplied as digital copy, or in the following programs:
➢ Microsoft Word (we reserve the right to substitute fonts)
➢ Microsoft Publisher
➢ Quark Xpress (please include all fonts & links)
➢ Photoshop TIF or JPG (300 dpi – lower resolution ads may not print well)➢ Adobe Illustrator EPS
➢ Adobe InDesign (please make sure all fonts & links are embedded)
For questions or to place your ad, please contact Greg Hoyd at 909-480-1911 or email